“Educate academic students, skill the rest”



In a recent article for the Guardian, Principal Ian Pryce has described the government’s current policy as “educate academic students, skill the rest”. He blames this on a need to train students on lower level courses for work that meets the needs of the economy.

Now this doesn’t sound too bad, increasing employability in the current job climate can surely only benefit students?

But, does this also mean students are not getting the full skill set required for their long-term future?

With masses of work experience under their belt and barely any time spent focusing on subjects such as Maths and English, are we enabling the future generation to succeed in modern life? Of course they will gain skills necessary to start them off in the world of work, but it is highly unlikely that they will stay in just one sector their whole working life.

Are vocational qualification narrowing students skill set and therefore becoming a hindrance to their future?