A blog about blogging

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WeTeach have been at the forefront of bringing technological advances into the classroom and we are always on the lookout for creative and innovative ways in which technology can be utilised in order to improve learning. An article by Holly Fairbrother, an English teacher living in Singapore details how she uses English lessons to prepare her students for the world of blogging.


Students initially develop their ideas on paper working towards publishing their blogs online. Along the way they learn valuable lessons about providing sensitive and constructive feedback to other students about their blogs with emphasis being placed on students behaving ethically and responsibly to one another. The idea that blogging can help learning via documenting success, progress and achievement through her subject is a concept that could lend itself to all subjects. WeTeach would be delighted to hear from any teachers or students that might be already be using blogs in their subjects or who may be inspired to do so having read the article.

Teachers and parents are well aware of the need for schools to be helping in raising awareness of the need for children to be become responsible digital citizens. As student interaction increasingly happens digitally, and many future careers will involve increasing amounts of digital input, a lesson in responsible digital citizenship is probably long overdue.

To read more about digital citizenship and stay up to date with offers and news from WeTeach, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

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